This problem is not difficult. But it is not easy to have a bug-free code. As you write your codes according to the hints, the most important thing is to handle all the edge cases without making the code ugly :-) Well, the key to simplify the code is to us hard coding. provides a nice solution, whose Java code is rewritten below in C++. Since C++ has no convenient functions like trim
and I do not want to create one on my own, I handle the " "
and ' '
carefully using some tricks from (for example, I include the space in the words of the numbers).
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 string numberToWords(int num) { 4 vectorbigs = { "", " Thousand", " Million", " Billion" }; 5 int i = 0; 6 string ans; 7 while (num) { 8 if (num % 1000) ans = numberWords(num % 1000) + bigs[i] + ans; 9 i++, num /= 1000;10 }11 return ans.length() ? ans.substr(1) : "Zero";12 }13 private:14 string numberWords(int num) {15 char* one[] = { "", " One", " Two", " Three", " Four", " Five", " Six", " Seven", " Eight", " Nine" };16 char* ones[] = { " Ten", " Eleven", " Twelve", " Thirteen", " Fourteen", " Fifteen", " Sixteen", " Seventeen", " Eighteen", " Nineteen" };17 char* tens[] = { "", "", " Twenty", " Thirty", " Forty", " Fifty", " Sixty", " Seventy", " Eighty", " Ninety" };18 string ans;19 if (num > 99) ans += string(one[num / 100]) + " Hundred";20 num %= 100;21 if (num > 9 && num < 20) ans += ones[num % 10];22 else {23 if (num > 19) ans += tens[num / 10];24 num %= 10;25 if (num) ans += one[num];26 }27 return ans;28 }29 };